Sandro Carrara

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Adjunct Professor +41 21 693 09 15

Citizenship: Swiss and Italian

Birth date: 17.05.1964

MC A3 218 (Bâtiment MC)
Rue de la Maladière 71b, CP 526
2002 Neuchâtel 2

Web site:  Web site:

INF 338 (Bâtiment INF)
Station 14
1015 Lausanne

Web site:  Web site:

Administrative data

Fields of expertise

1. Thin Film Biophysics 
2. Nanotechnology 
3. CMOS design 
Teaching (courses)________________ 


Diplôme en Electronique

institute technique National de Albenga (Italie)

Master en Physique

Université de Gênes (Italie)

Doctorat en biochimie de biophysique

Université de Padoue (Italie)


2015 : IEEE Fellow : IEEE

2016 : IEEE Sensors Council Technical Achievement Award : IEEE

2017 : Distinguished Lecturer : of the IEEE Sensors Council

2020 : Best Paper Award IEEE Symposium MeMeA, Bari, Italy : IEEE

2019 : 2nd Best Paper Award : at the IEEE Sensors Conference, Montreal, Canada

2017 : Gold Leaf Prize : at the 1st IEEE/NGCAS international Conference, Genoa, Italy

2017 : Best Poster Award : at the EMBEC’17 international Conference, Tampere, Finland

2016 : Best Paper Award : at the MOBIHEALTH international Conference, Milan, Italy

2015 : Gold Leaf Prize : at the 11th PRIME international Conference, Glasgow, UK

2013 : Distinguished Lecturer : of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

2011 : First Prize, Best Poster Award : for the best poster at the Nano-Tera Annual Meeting, Bern, Switzerland

2010 : Bronze Leaf Prize : at the 6th PRIME international Conference, Berlin, Germany

2009 : Gold Leaf Prize : at the 5th PRIME international Conference, Cork, Ireland


Infoscience publications

Other publications


Teaching & PhD


Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Other Students

PhD Students in remote / Guest PhD Students
Maurine Andanje (2022-2026), Joseph Jjagwe (2022-2026), Mallikarjun Madagalam (2021-2024), Yihe Zhao (2021-2022), Maria Antonietta Casulli (2019-2022), Marco Scarpetta
(2022), Mattia Alessandro Ragolia (2022), Simone Aiassa (2017-2021), Nattakarn Wuthibenjaphonchai (2018-2020), Mahshid Alsadat Padash (2019), Abuduwaili Tuoheti (2018), Sattar Akbari Nakhjavani (2018), Ana De Sousa Valinhas (2017), Sarah Tonello (2017), Xiaoling Lu (2016), Marius Schirmer (2016), Jacopo Secco (2015), Gabriella Sanzò (2014), Narayanan Srinivasan (2014), Ali Zaher (2014), Ismael Rattalino (2013), Evripides Kyriakides (2012), Alice Dimonte (2011), Giovanna De Vecchio (2010)


Electrical engineering science and technology (Spring)

This course provides an introduction to electricity. Electricity main laws and the fundamental elements of linear DC circuits will be covered. The student will also learn how to analyze electric circuits.

Usability engineering

Introduction to Human Factors/Usability Engineering theory and research methods. Human Factors Engineering/Usability is interdisciplinary and focuses on human cognition, behavior and ergonomics in design. The course focus on human systems integration and human functions in machine/product systems.

Electrochemical nano-bio-sensing and bio/CMOS interfaces

Main aim of the course is to introduce, in designing of modern wearable and implantable devices, the new concept of co-design three system' layers: Bio for Specificity, Nano for Sensitivity, and CMOS for autonomy. Recent examples of devices realised for m-Health are presented and deeply discussed.